T h e     C o d i n g     S k o o l
L o a d i n g . . .
Full Stack Web Development
Full Stack Web Development--15% 
Duration: 6 Month

Course Overview

The Full Stack Web Development course is designed to equip students with the skills needed to develop modern, responsive, and SEO-friendly websites. This comprehensive course covers both front-end and back-end technologies, enabling students to build complete web applications from scratch. Upon completion, students will be proficient in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. Additionally, the course includes essential knowledge on responsive design, content delivery networks (CDN), domain name services (DNS), web hosting, and post-development services. Live projects and ISO certification are also integral parts of the curriculum, ensuring hands-on experience and industry recognition.

Course Content

1.             1. HTML5

·         Introduction to HTML5

·         Semantic Elements

·         Forms and Input Types

·         Multimedia: Audio and Video

·         Canvas and SVG

2.              2. CSS3

·         Introduction to CSS3

·         Selectors, Properties, and Values

·         Box Model

·         Flexbox and Grid Layout

·         Transitions and Animations

  1. Bootstrap 5

·           Introduction to Bootstrap

·           Grid System

·           Responsive Design with Bootstrap

·           Components and Utilities

·           Customizing Bootstrap

  1. JavaScript

·           Basics of JavaScript

·           DOM Manipulation

·           Events and Event Handling

·           ES6 Features

·           AJAX and Fetch API

  1. PHP

·           Introduction to PHP

·           PHP Syntax and Operators

·           Working with Forms

·           Session Management

·           PHP and MySQL Integration

  1. MySQL

·           Introduction to Databases

·           MySQL Database Design

·           CRUD Operations

·           Joins, Indexes, and Transactions

·           Using phpMyAdmin

  1. Responsive Website

·           Principles of Responsive Design

·           Media Queries

·           Mobile-First Design

·           Responsive Images and Videos

  1. Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

·           Introduction to CDNs

·           Benefits of Using CDNs

·           Popular CDN Providers

·           Integrating CDNs in Websites

  1. Domain Name System (DNS)

·           Understanding DNS

·           Domain Registration

·           Nameservers and DNS Records

·           Configuring DNS for Web Hosting

  1. SEO Ready Websites

·             Basics of SEO

·             On-Page SEO Techniques

·             SEO-Friendly URLs

·             Meta Tags and Content Optimization

·             Google Analytics and Search Console

  1. Post-Development Services

·             Website Maintenance

·             Backup and Security

·             Performance Optimization

·             User Feedback and Improvements

  1. How to Host a website

·             Choosing a Web Host

·             Setting Up Hosting Environment

·             Deploying Websites

·             Managing Server and Hosting Issues

  1. Domain Name and Nameservers

·             Registering a Domain Name

·             Understanding Nameservers

·             Connecting Domain to Hosting

·             Managing Domain Settings

  1. Live Projects

·             Project Planning and Design

·             Front-End Development

·             Back-End Development

·             Testing and Debugging

·             Deployment

  1. ISO Certification

·             Overview of ISO Standards

·             Importance of ISO Certification

·             Steps to Obtain Certification

·             ISO Compliance in Web Development


Course Duration

The course is spread over 6 months with a combination of theoretical lessons and practical sessions. Classes are held three times a week, with each session lasting 2 hours.


Assessment and Certification

Continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and projects.

Final project presentation and viva. Successful candidates will receive a Full Stack Web Development Certificate with ISO Certification.


Basic understanding of computers and internet usage. No prior programming experience is required, but familiarity with any programming language is a plus. 

Career Opportunities

Upon completing the course, students can pursue careers as:

·         Front-End Developer

·         Back-End Developer

·         Full Stack Developer

·         Web Designer

·         Web Application Developer


To enroll, fill out the application form available on website or visit our office. For more information, contact our admissions office at query@thecodingskool.com or +91-70147-72027. 

Join our Full Stack Web Development course and start your journey towards becoming a proficient web developer today!